قیامِ پاکستان سے قبل اردو میں اصطلاحات سازی کا تحقیقی جائزہ A RESEARCH REVIEW OF TERMINOLOGY IN URDU BEFORE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PAKISTAN Section Urdu Literature
Terminology in any language takes place as the language is invented however its development is linked to the development of language. Systematic beginning of terminology in sub-continent came with the arrival of the British. The British established numerous institutes including Fort saint Jorge College Madras, Fort saint William College Kolkata, Deli College Delhi, Civil engineering College Rurdki for purpose of learning Urdu language. It is also an interesting effect that due fascination with scientific knowledge the Muslim rulers established many institute in which English terms were translated into Urdu language such as Dar-ul- tarjuma jamia Usmania Hader abad daccan, Madrassa Mahmodia Fakhria Hyder Abad Daccan, Sutania liberary Owadh. Due to keen intrest of scientific knowledge Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established many scientific Scoties and Anjuman Taraq- e – Urdu dehli. However Dar-ul- Tarjuma Jamia Usmania played a great role in formulating the principles of terminology in Urdu

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