حیاتِ مولوی عبدالحق میں رسالہ سہ ماہی " اردو" کے ارتقائی سفر کا تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ A REVOLUTIONARY OVERVIEW OF QUARTELY JOURNAL"URDU" IN THE LIFE OF MOLVI ABDUL HAQ Section Urdu Literature
Irtiqaa is Arabic word which means to develop or climb up. Anjaman Taraq e Urdu issued its first quarterly magazine" Urdu" in January 1921. In the third part of this magazine, the aims and objectives of the magazine were determined. This magazine was declared as a pure literary magazine. Until 1947, this magazine was published from India. It was published again in 1949 from Karachi, Pakistan. Maulvi Abdul Haq passed away on 16 August 1961. After the death of Maulvi Sahib, this magazine was started again after a short hiatus۔ it was a purely literary magazine which was always trying to serve Urdu language and literature. Under the patronage of Maulvi Abdul Haq Sahib, this magazine published numerous general and special numbers. After his death it was continued by his successors.

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