لون مدح النبی صلى الله عليه وسلم من الأدب الصوفی


*Dr.Shabana Nazar


One of the leading art of poetry is Na’at  ( Verses in praise of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH) which is established and spreaded by “ Tasawwuf ” ( Sufisism ) . It is a great source of expressing One’s religious feelings. It is an important unit of Grand Literature, because It is the voice of faithful, truthful and honest hearts. Na’at is an important part of  “ Sufiana Doctrines” , in every age , Poets produced excellent verses and Qaseedas. One of the most popular poets to say Na’at is Hassan Bin Saabit who is famous as Poet of Rasool (PBUH ). His Qaseedas are seeded in “ Tasawwuf”. After Hassan the famous Poet of Na’at is Imam Al-Boosiri, Qaseeda Burda Sharif is one of the most popular in his verses. This Research Paper aims to present various works of such famous Sufi Poets. It also presents some Poets who have exceeded in their love for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to this excellent that they have made use of exaggeration. According to them, Allah’s former creation is Muhammad (PBUH) and the later one is the world. Thus, this paper tries to point out those Sufi Poets whose Na’at are produced with exaggeration. Such Sufi are Muhammad Al-Bakri, An-Nabalsi, Ibrahim Al-Dasooqi, Imam Al- Boseeri, Ibn-ul-Areef, Abdullah Bin Abdul A’ala, Imam Al-Sarsari and many others. This Paper also tries to present the criticism done by many historians of these Sufiana Doctrines. Besides, this paper focuses on those Hadiths which are usually presented to support Sufiana Doctrines.


How to Cite
*Dr.Shabana Nazar. (2021). لون مدح النبی صلى الله عليه وسلم من الأدب الصوفی. Harf-O-Sukhan, 5(4), 88-103. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/235