الرحلة الخيالية في رسالة الغفران ورسالة التوابع والزوابع وتأثرهما بالمعراج النبوي صلى الله عليه و سلم (دراسة تحليلية ومقارنة) The fictional journey in the “Risalat-Al-Ghufran and Risalat-Al-Tawab’a Wa Al-Zawab’a and the effect of Prophet's Mi'raj P.B.H.U (An Analytical and Comparative Study) Section Islamic Literature
This present study is, infact two distinct literary novel, namely “Risalat-Al-Ghufran and Risalat-Al-Tawab’a Wa Al-Zawab’a to reveal the extent to which these two Risalats were influcnced by the Prophet’s Mi’raj (P.B.H.U). Most of the fictional journeys in Arabic literature emerged after the Mi’araj incident. The idea of the fictional journey in it’s narrative form appeared in Arabic Literature in the fourth and fifth centuries AH. Amongh the most prominent of these stories prevalent in Arab culture, Two Risalats were influenced by the Mi’raj, one was the Risalat-Al-Ghufran and the second was the Risalat Al-Tawab’a wa Al-Zawab’a.

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