اہل کتاب عورت سے شادی: اسلامی روایات اور اورفقہاء کے اقوال کے روشنی میں تطبیقی جائزہ Marriage with Women of the People of the Book: A Comparative Analysis in Light of Islamic Narratives and Jurists' Opinions Section Islamic Literature


٭محمدخبیب ٭٭محمدطیب, ٭٭٭حارث اللہ


This study delves into the intricate subject of marriage with women of the People of the Book, exploring it through the lenses of Islamic narratives and the opinions of jurists. The term "People of the Book" refers to individuals who adhere to divine scriptures, namely Jews and Christians, recognized by Islam. The Quranic and Hadith perspectives on such unions are examined, shedding light on the nuanced guidance provided by Islamic teachings. The Quran, as the primary source of guidance in Islam, addresses the issue of interfaith marriages in Surah Al-Ma'idah. Analyzing these verses, the study elucidates the permissible nature of marriage with chaste women from the People of the Book, emphasizing the shared values and monotheistic beliefs. The Hadith literature supplements this understanding, offering insights into the Prophet Muhammad's practices and recommendations regarding such unions. The study then navigates through the diverse opinions of Islamic jurists on this matter. It delves into the variations in interpretations, legal rulings, and conditions set forth by different schools of thought. By comparing and contrasting these perspectives, the research aims to provide a comprehensive view of the scholarly discourse surrounding interfaith marriages. Moreover, the study considers the contemporary relevance of these discussions. In a world characterized by increased intercultural interactions, understanding the Islamic stance on marrying women of the People of the Book becomes crucial. The research explores the adaptability of Islamic principles to modern contexts, acknowledging the importance of maintaining religious harmony within the bounds of Islamic ethics. In conclusion, this study offers a nuanced and comprehensive analysis of marriage with women of the People of the Book. By synthesizing Quranic verses, Hadith traditions, and juristic opinions, it aims to provide valuable insights for individuals navigating the complexities of interfaith relationships within the framework of Islamic teachings. The research contributes to fostering a deeper understanding of the Islamic perspective on this important aspect of marital relations.


How to Cite
٭محمدخبیب ٭٭محمدطیب, ٭٭٭حارث اللہ. (2023). اہل کتاب عورت سے شادی: اسلامی روایات اور اورفقہاء کے اقوال کے روشنی میں تطبیقی جائزہ: Marriage with Women of the People of the Book: A Comparative Analysis in Light of Islamic Narratives and Jurists’ Opinions. Harf-O-Sukhan, 7(4), 85-91. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/964