عصری تعلیمی اداروں کا نصابِ اسلامیات اور اخلاقی تربیت:سیرت صحابہ کی روشنی میں تحقیقی و تجزیاتی مطالعہ Islamic curriculum and moral training of contemporary educational institutions: research and analytical study in the light of the biography of the Companions Section Islamic Literature
Allah Almighty has awarded Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) to the highest status of morals. He was a practical example of good morals for the people. He taught good manners to those people who accepted His call to Islam and became Muslims and left this world in the state of Islam, they are called Pious Companions.These Companions were morally the best people in the society. They ruled the hearts of people through their good morals and many non-Muslims accepted Islam by being inspired by their good morals. Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, Lahore In the curriculum of Islamiat, under the famous chapter of [ Mashaheer e Islaam aur Hedayat ke Sar chashmey"مشاہیر اسلام اور ہدایت کے سرچشمے"] the moral aspects of the Companions are specially mentioned in these lessons, which are important and guiding light for our individual, collective, social, economic, political and family life. It is up to the teachers of our educational institutions to highlight the moral aspects of the Companions in the Islamic curriculum so that our next generation is called the best generation in terms of morals.

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