A Critical Discourse Analysis of Selena Marie Gomez's Motivational Speeches: Obliterating the Stereotypical Construction of Social Stigma, Mental Health, and Self-Acceptance
This research paper aims to conduct a critical discourse analysis of Selena Marie Gomez's
motivational speeches. Selena Marie Gomez an American singer, producer, businesswoman,
model, and activist, is renowned for her inspirational speeches that focus on themes of resilience,
hope, mental health, and overcoming adversity. The study aims to explore how Selena Marie
Gomez negates conventional construction of social stigma, mental health, and self-acceptance,
and provides a novel insight in her speeches. The study employs qualitative and descriptive
techniques to illustrate as well as evaluate the data. The present research employs a commixture
of critical discourse analysis, and motivational theory's frameworks to analyze Selena Gomez's
five speeches with reference to language, discourse, and social context to understand how she
annihilates the stereotypical binary oppositions and reinforces certain social identities and power
relations. The findings of this study have implications for understanding how motivational
speeches reshape public perceptions of social stigma, mental health, and self-acceptance for
promoting more inclusive and empowering discourses in public discourse.

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