اسلام میں عبادت خانے کا تصور ، احکام اور عصری صورت حال :تحقیقی مطالعہ Concept of House of Worship in Islam, Commands and Contemporary Situation: A Research Study Section Islamic Literature
Like every religion, Islam has also a central place of worshipping called "MASJID", which is also a place of contacts for rnuslims. The very first Masjid built on the surface of earth is "MASJiD HARAM" in Makka, Saudi Arabia. In every divine creed and code. Prayers (SALAH) is the foremost obligation, which can be best performed at some central place. Masjid is the proper place to comply with this obligation. That is why MASJID, is the most favorite place before Allah. For every centre of worship, there is strict code of discipline, So have our Masjids. Some of the norms and disciplines ,as ordered by our holy prophet(SAW) for Masjid are to don't eat onion or garlic while coming to Masjid ,No business or worldly discussion in Masjid, Make Masjid fragrant, Say welcome prayers just after coming to Masjed (TAHIAT UL MASJID), speak in lowest possible voice in Masjid. So Masjids are specified for praying practices and religious teaching-learning. Now a days masjids are well built and well decorated and ornamented lavishly with least spirit of seeking of Allah's pleasures. So we need to create worship and obedience and complying spirit to Allah, his prophet (SAW), and all of their teachings. Only there we can become true rnuslims , maintaining our masjids as commanded and guided by Allah and his beloved Prophet(SAW).

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