جدید اردو نظم کی بنیاد سازی میں میراجی اور مجید امجدکا کردار: تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ THE ROLE OF MEERA JI AND MAJEED AMJAD IN THE FOUNDATION OF MODERN URDU POETRY: A RESEARCH AND CRITICAL REVIEW Section Urdu Literature
Majeed Amjid and Meera Ji are pioneer of the modern school of poetry. Both are prominent and influencer persons in the modern era of poems in urdu literature. They have introduced new technique and style in the field of poems, which diverted attention of new poets towards new thoughts and ideas in this field. Being modern iconic poets,they portrayed human nature and introduce new tone and unique style of ambiguity to express outer and inner feelings. They are creative, multi- directional and know all the ways to convey their feelings through modern urdu poem. We will explore how they have changed style and their impact on modern poem in the 21st century.

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