ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی کے دو شاہ کار تراجم (برصغیر میں اسلامی جدیدیت اور برصغیر میں اسلامی کلچر) Dr. Jameel jalbi's two Masterpiece of Translation (Bar-e-Sagheer main Islami Jadeediat and Bar-e-Sagheer main Islami Culture) Section Urdu Literature
Dr Jamil Jalbi is a major contemporary Researcher, Critic, Story writer, Editor and Translator. He has written on many genres of Urdu literature. In this article two important translations of Dr. Jameel Jalbi's have been made the subject of research. بر صغیر میں اسلامی جدیدیت is translation of Aziz Ahmed’s book Islamic Modernism in India and Pakistan". It consists of 16 chapters. Whereas بر صغیر میں اسلامی کلچر is translation of Aziz Ahmad's book " Islamic Culture in Indian Environment". Dr. Jamil jalbi is well versed in the art of translation. It is necessary for a translator to have full command on two languages. Dr. Jameel's translation shows that both languages are his own. The researcher has concluded in this article that Jameel Jalbi's translation is so fine. That it give the taste of the original work.

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