Complexity of Noun Phrase: An Analysis of Noun structure in Corpus of English novel
This study aims to analyze the complexity of noun phrases in a novel 'Ice candy man' written by Bapsi Sidhwa. Four aspects of noun phrases were included namely the types of noun, adjectives, determiners and post modifiers (prepositional phrases, relative clauses, and infinitives). This is a qualitative research. 'AntConc' was utilized to identify the features used by Bapsi Sidhwa in the novel. The results revealed that all the four aspects of noun phrases were utilized except the infinitives from the post modifier class. In addition, the complexity of noun phrases is beneficial because it is helpful for adding descriptive details and characterization. However, this complexity of noun phrases may be challenging in terms of comprehension difficulties for some readers who are not proficient in English language. Further research is needed to explore the complexity of noun phrases in terms of the needs target audience, writing style and narratives goals of the author.

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