تشدداطفال کی معنویت و مترادفات اور بچوں کے حقوق و تحفظات: اسلامی تعلیمات کا جائزہ The Spirituality of Child Protection and the Rights of Children: An Overview of Islamic Teachings Section Islamic Literature
Islam has provided a balanced system of thought and action for human life. It places great importance on the establishment of a stable societal life. This stability is indebted to the ethical teachings provided by the Quran and the Sunnah (the traditions and practices of the Prophet Muhammad). In this system, all units of society are interconnected and serve as a means to maintain an ethical environment. Islamic teachings emphasize not only obedience to parents and good behavior towards them but also the rights of children. Parents and children together shape the fabric of society. Today's children become tomorrow's parents, and a child's initial environment has a profound impact on their development. As the great scholar Imam Ghazali remarked, "A child first looks at their home and the people within it. Their minds are shaped by the environment they observe, and they are deeply influenced by their early surroundings." This highlights the importance of instilling strong ethical values within the family unit and fostering a just and compassionate environment. In Islam, the principles of societal ethics and justice are central, and the respect, love, and good treatment between parents and children are essential components of this system. By adhering to such social and ethical principles, a balanced and just society can be established, benefiting everyone.

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