عقیدہ شفاعت اور عقیدہ کفارہ : تعبیرات ، مماثلت اور تفاوت کا تحقیقی جائزہ The Belief of Intercession and the Belief of Atonement: A Research Review of Interpretations, Similarities and Differences Section Islamic Literature
Every religion and religion provide its adherents with a code of life, based on certain ideals, and its customs and rituals introduce and adorn it. Religions may have many concepts and ideas in common with each other, especially when they belong to the Semitic religions, because the source of the Semitic religions is the same and that is divine revelation. Therefore, the basic teachings of Islam and Christianity. There is a slight similarity, as Islam has the belief of intercession and Christianity has the belief of expiation. In which the result seems to be similar, but in reality, there is a lot of difference between them. Here it should also be kept in mind that the meaning and purpose of the beliefs and theories is valid and correct which is taken from these original sources and their followers, and their interpretation is considered correct which is authentic and correct by their experts. is valid. Therefore, the correct interpretation of Islam's creed of intercession is that which is stated in the Qur'an and the Hadith, and that is the original principle and is actually researched and trusted.

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