امراض کا علاج اور متعدی امراض سیرت ِرسول ﷺ کی روشنی میں TREATMENT OF DISEASES AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN THE LIGHT OF SIRA-E-RASOOL (ﷺ) Section Islamic Literature


Majid Rashid,Zainab Moin, Dr. Serfraz Hussain,Dr. Rizwan Yunus


Islam provides us with a complete code of conduct for all walks of life. One of which is the diseases that afflict the human body. Doctors believe that some of the diseases that are found in the world are contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another. Such as plague, tuberculosis, colds, flu, and COVID, etc. Some infectious diseases are not transmittable from one person to another. If we study the biography of the Holy Prophet (), we find two types of traditions. We find the traditions in the collection of hadith about whether the disease is contagious or not. In this article, we treat both diseases and present both types of traditions. The cases of adaptation will be mentioned in the light of Sira Rasool(). In the current situation of COVID-19, many Shariah issues need to be explained more. In such a situation, there are religious and some social issues that the Muslim Ummah in particular and the entire mankind, in general, are suffering from. They will also be resolved in the light of Sira Rasool() which would be discussed in this paper.


How to Cite
Majid Rashid,Zainab Moin, Dr. Serfraz Hussain,Dr. Rizwan Yunus. (2020). امراض کا علاج اور متعدی امراض سیرت ِرسول ﷺ کی روشنی میں: TREATMENT OF DISEASES AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN THE LIGHT OF SIRA-E-RASOOL (ﷺ). Harf-O-Sukhan, 5(3), 15-41. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/86