پاکستان اور بھارت کی خواتین افسانہ نگاروں کی افسانہ نگاری کا تقابلی مطالعہ (تانیثیت کے تناظر میں) A Comparative Study of Fiction Writing by Women Fiction Writers of Pakistan and India (In the context of Faminisim) Section Urdu Literature
Fiction is a short story that can be read in one in one sitting, which has a unified impression and does not contain many characters. This genre in Urdu came under the influence of western literature. When this genre was used in Urdu, along with male fiction writers, women also entered the field of fiction writing. The need for this was felt because a man cannot write about a woman's emotions, feelings, sufferings and sexual suppression in the same way a woman can feel and write about it. To see the world through the eyes of women and to raise their voices for their rights, a movement came into existence which was called Feminism. Inspired by this movement, fictional literature was created on a global scale. First, Indian women wrote fiction inspired by this movement and after the creation of Pakistan, literature was created under the influence of this movement in both Pakistan and India. This is the Pakistani and Indian society where women are suffering atrocities and Pakistani and Indian women fiction writers have raised their voices against these atrocities.

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