لسانی قومیت اور ”گراں “ میں پوٹھوہاری قومیت کا اظہار Linguistic Nationality and Expression of Pothohari Nationality in “Graa’n” Section Urdu Literature
Linguistic Nationality is based on language. Linguistic nationality represents a dominant use of language to make the associated culture alive. A nationality creates a distinct cultural identity based on its mythological and folk heritage, lifestyle, and rituals of joy and sorrow. This is why linguistic nationality is a cultural part of nationality. The basis of this nationality is neither on religion nor on human race. People related to linguistic nationality only base their nationality on their language. All the major languages spoken in Punjab, including Saraiki, Pothohari and Hindko, are part of the Punjabi language family. Pakistani Urdu novel can be called the treasure of other languages of Pakistan. In the Pakistani Urdu novel, Punjabi is also seen in different ways. , Saraiki, Pothohari and Rachnavi" are central dialects of the Punjab. Pothohari linguistc nation has beed presents beautifully in Tahira Iqbal’s novle “Graa’n”. In the novel we see all customs and rituals of Pothohari nation. Even in England a little sub-continent can be seen because of language.

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