سلیم بیتاب کی غزل:مناظرِ فطرت اور استعاراتی رنگ Ghazal of Saleem Betaab: ‘Manazir-e-Fitrat’ and Metaphorical View Section Urdu Literature
“Saleem Betaab is one of the emerging poets of Ghazal. His name was introduced in the 6th decade of the previous century. He was died in a road accident. He was just 32 years old at the time of his death. He was a great poetic voice of his time. He has equally potential of Ghazal and Nazm. Saleem Betaab’s Ghazal having metaphor horizon. He had a great command of using common things in a different manner. This article is a critical study of his ghazal with aspect of metaphor. In this article we have study of natural sense and nature with metaphorical approach. This article will help the scholars to know about Saleem Betaab and his poetry.”

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