مجید امجد کی شاعری میں جدید تکنیک کے تجربات Experiments of technique in Majeed Amjad’s Poetry Section Urdu Literature
Modern poem is a western form of poetry which broke the stereotype myth of traditional poetry. In sub continent, during British Rule, Modern poem was given importance and encouraged contrary to old and popular form i.e Ghazal.The plate-form of anjuman-e-Punjab used in this context, Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali and Muhammad Hussain Azad put their effects to promote it. In 20th century Allama Iqbal adopted new form of poetry and made it populour in Urdu language.Keeping in view the popularity, poets those who were reluctant to accept it, decided to create art in this from i-e Nazm After Iqbal in mid of 20th Centuary Noon – Meem Rashid and Meera Jee added valuable poetic work in this regard, specially, Rashid showed artistics expertise in free verse at Large- Mujeed Amjad is another literary figure who experimented to mingle up free verse & blank verse and become third big name in modern Poem. In this article, efforts have been made to take critical view of Majeed Amjad’s Poetry in context of western technique he used in from and structure of poem.