پروین شاکر کی شاعری کے انگریزی تراجم: ایک تجزیہ English Translations of Parvin Shakir's Poetry: An Analysis Section Urdu Literature


ڈاکٹر فیصل کمال حیدری,حافظ محمد عبد القدوس


Parveen Shakir earned charismatic fame with her unique and inviting feminist voice in Urdu so early in her poetic career that her first collection of poetry brought her to lime light. Unlike her contemporary radical feminist poetesses, she gave words to youthful feminist sentiments of an enlightened oriental woman. Perhaps it was the reason that translators turned to her so early that first English translation of her selected Urdu poetry got published in her life. Till now, many translators have rendered Parveen’s slender feelings into English language and have translated a number of her poems and Ghazals. Although translations of her poems may be considered satisfactory but her Ghazals still await a creative translator to render the rhythmic pulse with her passionate verses into the language that may give international readers the access to the real representative feminist Urdu poet.


How to Cite
ڈاکٹر فیصل کمال حیدری,حافظ محمد عبد القدوس. (2023). پروین شاکر کی شاعری کے انگریزی تراجم: ایک تجزیہ: English Translations of Parvin Shakir’s Poetry: An Analysis. Harf-O-Sukhan, 7(3), 1-13. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/773