The concept of feminism has been variously interpreted by different critics in annals of literary history.The critics strikingly criticized the male dominance and male chauvinism in all spheres of life. In retaliation to these ideas many critics justified their own point of view that ladies are not marginalized in different cultures of the world especially Islamic world where ladies have very prominent and pivotal role in domestic and social spheres of life. Feminism means equal rights for all regardless gender. It is fact women were not given their equal status in ancient times. Women were not allowed to go out of their houses. Period of feminism is regarded as evolutionary period in the history of mankind. Now in contemporary times women are enjoying high status in society. They are playing constructive role in every walk of life. Theory of feminism deals with gender inequality. Political, cultural and sociological theories are also a part of feminism. Protection of women’s rights is the integral part of feministic theory. This theory is based on gender equality. Feminists are of the view that women also enjoy equal rights in society. According to Li and Bolaria (1994), they define feminism as an “awareness of the special problems which is faced by women in the contemporary society.” Li and Bolaria are of the view that feminism is an attempt which is made for the betterment of women.