محمد ثقلین ضیغم کے مجموعۂ کلام ”شبِ سُرخاب“ میں عصری و سماجی حسیت: تحقیق و تجزیہ (SOCIAL AND CONTEMPORARY SENSIBILITY IN MUHAMMAD SAQLAIN ZAIGHAM'S POETRY COLLECTION “SHAB-E-SURKHAB”: RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS) Section Urdu Literature
Muhammad Saqlain Zaigham (Born: 1973) is a modern poet of Urdu Ghazal and Nazm. His poetry is continuously published in the renowned magazines and newspapers of Pakistan and India. Ghazal and Nazm are his main poetic references. His poetry is a beautiful blend of tradition and modernity. His poetry has diverse themes. Contemporary and social consciousness, resistance, class discrimination, social inequality and poverty are the special themes of his poetry. Muhammad Saqlain Zaigham is a knowledgeable and studious person. He is keen observer and well aware of his surroundings. Hence, he believes in the theory of “Art for Life Sake”. Social Consciousness and realism is his special creative attribute. In this paper, an analytical study of Muhammad Saqlain Zaigham's poetry collection “Shab-e-Surkhaab” is presented in the context of contemporary and social sensitivity.