سعد اللہ جان برقؔ بحیثیت قصہ نگار SAADULLAH JAN BARQ AS A STORYTELLER Section Urdu Literature


*افشان جبین, **طارق عزیز, ***ڈاکٹرصدیق اقبال


SaadUllah Jan Barq is well-known as a poet, columnist, playwright and critic, but his storytelling cannot be given the attention he deserves. He is basically a storyteller and in this regard, two of his books, “Shab-e-Chirag” and “Belagam”, have been released.Shab-e-Chiragh” is a historical novel, based on the fables, writings, and stories of The “Belagam” Barak. Apart from this, two of his short stories have also been published in “Dukhtar e Kinat”. On the basis of this knowledge asset, efforts will be made to determine the status of Baraq as a storyteller.If you look at the novel of SaadUllah Jan Barq, then we have to mention his only historical novel Shab-e-Chiragh, which is based on the life, struggle and circumstances of the famous God servant Abdul Ghaffar Khan alias Bacha Khan. In the near future, he will be involved in various aspects of knowledge and literature and will do considerable academic and literary services. A total of 38 of his books have appeared so far, out of which 17 books are in Urdu. In this article his novel and other writings have been discussed in detail.


How to Cite
*افشان جبین, **طارق عزیز, ***ڈاکٹرصدیق اقبال. (2022). سعد اللہ جان برقؔ بحیثیت قصہ نگار: SAADULLAH JAN BARQ AS A STORYTELLER. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(1), 343-346. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/671