منهج الإمام الطبراني في تعليل الأحاديث بالإختلاف في "المعجم الأوسط" THE METHODOLOGY OF IMAM AL TABARANI BASED ON “IKHTELAF” ON HADITH AL MALOOL IN HIS BOOK AL-MUJAMM AL- AWSAT Section Islamic Literature


شاذية بروين, الدكتور نورة محمد زواي حفظها الله


The hadith of Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him which states that: ([i])إن كذبا علي ليس ككذب على أحد من كذب علي متعمدا فليتبوأ مقعده من النار” proves the rejection of unauthentic narrations. Al mau’jam alawsat book compiled by Imam Al-Tabarani is one of the largest Hadith collection of some specific types as Al-Taffarud, Al-Ghreeb, Al-Ikhtelaf. He didn’t mention his specific methodology of narrations so many scholors spoke about his methodology and opinions. Every narration is followed by his comment, either it is Malool Bi Tafarud or Ikhtelaf( inWasl and Irsal, in Ra’f and Waqfetc) and sometimes avoides to comment. It is upon the Bahis (researcher) to analyze each Hadith through its narrators from books of Rijaal and Takhreej and decide its Maqbool or not.


([i]) صحيح بحاري رقم الحديث 1209.


How to Cite
شاذية بروين, الدكتور نورة محمد زواي حفظها الله. (2022). منهج الإمام الطبراني في تعليل الأحاديث بالإختلاف في "المعجم الأوسط": THE METHODOLOGY OF IMAM AL TABARANI BASED ON “IKHTELAF” ON HADITH AL MALOOL IN HIS BOOK AL-MUJAMM AL- AWSAT. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(1), 71-80. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/661