نظرية مؤلف النحو الوافي في التأويل من كتابه SYNTHESIZER THEORY OF AN ADEQUATE GRAMMAR THE INTERPRETATION OF HIS BOOK Section Islamic Literature


الدكتور محمود أحمد


The study aimed in his book alnahw alwafi by Abbas Hussan trhough grammatical interpretations. That is refused, so that it might be able to determine his methodology of refusal and approval. His refused to interpret has proved the result of his refusal of the factor theory, and he believe that it should be eliminated because it is a defect of the grammer its lesions and its impurities however we find him advocated for this theory by referring to its important to simplification language for learners to say.That is why we have found his contradictory position on interpretation; it is the factor, which requires interpretations and if there is a contradiction in his position against the factor then there will be a contradiction in what comes after such as interpretation. The grammar principles of Arabic language are interconnected and in care of canceling this survey highlighted a large number of confusions in his position towards interpretation between theoretical and practical approaches. In his book language and grammar and grammar between old and modern. He is totally rejecting the interpretation and he fails when tried to adopt these views in his book. “Al-Nahw-Alwafi” and we find that he has retained the factor theory, but he has tried to demolish its defects which are apparent in many forms of interpretations.


How to Cite
الدكتور محمود أحمد. (2022). نظرية مؤلف النحو الوافي في التأويل من كتابه: SYNTHESIZER THEORY OF AN ADEQUATE GRAMMAR THE INTERPRETATION OF HIS BOOK. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(1), 65-70. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/654