مولانا ظفر علی خاں کی صحیفہ نگاری کا مختصر جائزہ BRIEF REVIEW OF MAULANA ZAFAR ALI KHAN'S WRITINGS Section Urdu Literature
Maulana's journalistic life formally began with Maulana's residence in Hyderabad Deccan and publication of "Afsana and Deccan Review". To understand Maulana's journalistic ideas and journalistic preferences, it is important to know the background of this era. After the War of Independence in 1857, there was a severe crisis of Muslim leadership in the subcontinent because most of the leaders and scholars were forced into exile or executed. In such circumstances it proved to be very beneficial for a reformer of the nation like Sir Syed Ahmad Khan to take the reins of the Muslims. Muslims were suffering from a very bad situation in terms of political, religious, social and literary aspects in the changed conditions.Maulana played an important role in making Muslims conscious and capable. Maulana rendered valuable services through his journalistic writings. After graduating from Aligarh, Zafar Ali received the fellowship of Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk, which further enhanced his journalistic, literary and political personality.