آزاد کشمیر کی اردو نعتیہ شاعری میں حضور سرور کونین ﷺ کی سراپا نگاری SARAPA NIGARI OF HAZOOR SERWAR-KONAIN SAW IN THE URDU NATIA POETRY OF AZAD KASHMIR Section Islamic Literature


1. Dr.Mir Yousaf Mir, 2. Prof. Dr.Khawaja Zahid Aziz, 3. Dr.Ambreen Khawja


Sarapa is basically the process of emerging in the form of a personal situation in the form of a picture in fornt of the eyes in meaninfful form of observations and experiences .The relationship of Sarap nigari in Naat has been associated with Muhammd SAW .Allah taala sent His beloved prophet SAW  into the world with all the attributes of good character as well as enternal and eternal good looks.This topic has been beautiful maintaind from the sahba-karam to the period of present poets.the heart and eyes of the poets of Azad Kashmir  has been sparkled by the sarapa nigari of Hazrat Muhammd SAW.there is a significant capital in Urdu Naat regarding sarapa.The poets of Azad Kashmir ,Muhammad SAW seem to be enthralled by the bright description of Sarapa ,Eyes ,eyelids,nose,jaws,teeth,face,mouth,theoat,neck,hands.elbows,feet,sweet,gaze,smile  speech,tenderness,pride,feet,mouth and others details havae been painted.


How to Cite
1. Dr.Mir Yousaf Mir, 2. Prof. Dr.Khawaja Zahid Aziz, 3. Dr.Ambreen Khawja. (2022). آزاد کشمیر کی اردو نعتیہ شاعری میں حضور سرور کونین ﷺ کی سراپا نگاری: SARAPA NIGARI OF HAZOOR SERWAR-KONAIN SAW IN THE URDU NATIA POETRY OF AZAD KASHMIR. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(2), 138-152. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/623