نسل انسانی اور اس کی بقاء :تحقیق و تجزیاتی مطالعہ HUMAN BEING REVOLUTION AND ITS SURVIVAL RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL STUDY Section Urdu Literature


٭محمد حسنین


The foundation of a family consists of a man, a woman and their children and the mutual relationship between man and woman is essential for the survival of the family. For this relationship, almost all religions have made the marriage bond between a man and a woman mandatory, history shows that this matrimonial relationship of Nikah or marriage is as old as man is. The first person of the human race was also devoted to marital relationship. This relationship of marriage is found in almost all civilizations of the world in one form or another. This relationship between man and woman started with the meeting of Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Eve and has been practiced in different ways in every era and civilization. Marriage not only brings social purity but this pure bond affects the life of the spouses. There are very pleasant effects, where the man enjoys the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger, the woman is also guaranteed her numerous rights, among a few issues are the spiritual rights of women, economic rights, social rights, Educational rights, legal rights, inheritance rights and political rights are included. These rights are essential and marriage has been declared as the means of survival of the human race. It is allowed to adopt monasticism, and there is no justification for not marrying a girl after puberty, so for a successful and peaceful social formation, the legal and religious mixing of men and women is very important.


How to Cite
٭محمد حسنین. (2022). نسل انسانی اور اس کی بقاء :تحقیق و تجزیاتی مطالعہ: HUMAN BEING REVOLUTION AND ITS SURVIVAL RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL STUDY. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(1.), 260-266. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/619