برصغیر پاک و ہند کے سولہویں صدی کی دو نامور شخصیات کے سیاسی افکا ر کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE POLITICAL IDEAS OF TWO PROMINENT FIGURES OF THE 16TH CENTURY OF THE SUBCONTINENT Section Urdu Literature
Islam was in danger in India. Akbari's atheism was rampant. Islam was being openly opposed by the scholars and it was emerging as a great temptation. He had declared religion to be tested on political and religious grounds and Hindu customs were being integrated into Islam. The rites of Islam were being insulted from all sides, Akbar himself was a denier of Islam, there were objections to Islam and the disbelievers were intoxicated by the praises of the people of disbelief. In order to get out of the hail storms, there was a need for such a person who would reach the houses of disbelief and revive Islam in these unfavorable conditions and make it a force again. Allah sent scholars as helpers of Islam. Sheikh Abdul haq muhadic dehlive and sheikh srhindi.