اسلامی ممالک کی اقتصادی غلامی کا اسلامی حل "ISLAMIC SOLUTION TO THE ECONOMIC SLAVERY OF ISLAMIC COUNTRIES" Section Urdu Literature
The biggest problem of man in modern times is economic financial situation. Due to poverty and scarcity, man goes into slavery. History is full of countless examples of which colonial powers used weak countries for their economic domination.Who created companies, established monopolies, weakened institutions and then kept them in chains of slavery for centuries. Who does not know that the British East India Company, Dutch East India Company and French East India Company not only destroyed the freedom of Asia in the name of trade but also wiped their hands of their resources. Dependence on global powers artificially inflates prices، ignoring the collective interests of the people !Natural resources, local arts and indigenous cultures are destroyed just for the sake of wealth. The biggest challenge for Europe and the United States to keep trade and investment in their favor today is, to allocate raw materials from developing countries for their industry. A net of so-called financial aid was laid by IMF and the World Bank. This aid was given to the such countries of the world those were slaves of Europe and America. Islamic countries should strengthen their regional economic organizations. Islamic countries can develop rapidly by benefiting from each other's experiences, expertise and technology n may establish an international market based on universal Islamic principles of trade. In the article under review, an attempt has been made to prove that if Muslim countries conduct their economic affairs according to Islamic principles of trade, it will not only create economic stability at the global level, but also bring peace and order to humanity.