
Nadia Anjum, Dr. Mustanir Ahmed, Zarmeena Khan, Anila Akbar, Kulsoom Najam


This research paper is an attempt to explore difficulties of the transgendered people as portrayed in the Holly wood documentary “Call Me Malcolm” with special reference to the Charles Horton Cooley‟s looking glass self-theory. The direction and Production are given by Joseph Parlagreco in 2004 and released in March, 2007 in USA. The communal behavior with transgendered people, due to their gender identity is highlighted in Western society. The “role of society” is the major component of looking glass design that creates pessimistic environment in the life of Malcolm, who suffers a lot in life. Various aspects of the theory are carefully chosen to observe the height of difficulties faced by transgender people in the selected documentary and are analyzed within the framework of Qualitative methodology. Transgender are poorly treated as it is portrayed in the context of western society. They are not accepted in the society. To elucidate the problems of transgender, discriminatory behaviors adopted by the society due to odd physical condition towards Malcolm (a transgender child), on other transgender community and audience is discussed in this paper. By analyzing the dialogues from original text call me Malcolm it is concluded that Malcolm is struggling for existence; He fights and ultimately able to survive Although his culture and ethics are strong, but struggle for survival was a perplexing task to bridge the gap between transgender and a common man in the western world.


How to Cite
Nadia Anjum, Dr. Mustanir Ahmed, Zarmeena Khan, Anila Akbar, Kulsoom Najam. (2022). “CALL ME MALCOLM” A TRUE DESIGN OF LOOKING GLASS SELF-THEORY IN WESTERN CULTURE. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(2), 412-416. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/586