Since the life of the holy Prophet ﷺ, it has been observed time and again that any man copying Hisﷺhabits has been benefited himself from enumerable physical and social blessings. It is astonishing to note that following Sunnah or in other words copying the habits of Messenger ﷺof Allah is free from religious and racial discrimination. All the people are equally benefited by the adaptation of His ﷺ Sunnah. In recent times scientific researches, have confirmed the fact that eating habits of the holy Prophetﷺ and even the type and ingredients of food used by the Prophetﷺ of Islam, had great hygienic and nutritional positive effects on the bodies of the copiers. Therefore, it is the dire requisition of present times to probe into the habits of the holy Prophet ﷺ and to make beneficial use of the information gained thereby. In the perspective of the epidemics of the recent times, it has been observed that there is a negative co-relation of most of the epidemics with the practice of Sunnah. It is very encouraging and a study inviting factor that the practice of Sunnah must be scientifically probed and the principles based upon the observations should be published for the betterment of humanities.
Keeping in view the changing nature of the social values and the linguistic terminology, it is a requisite need to reconstruct the biography of the Messenger of Islamﷺ from this point of view; so that we should have a clear picture of physical and social activities of the holy Prophet ﷺ in daily life. We should make a need oriented copy program in our day to day life to make full use of Sunnah of the holy Prophet ﷺ which surely would secure the lives of the contemporary societies from all sorts of possible social evils and epidemic diseases.
The present study aims at the closest possible observations of the life of the holy Prophet ﷺ and its social and possible applications to the contemporary societies. Thus the universe of the study would be the life of the holy Prophet ﷺ and its positive impact on the social life.