مغربی ممالک میں اصلاحِ زوجین کا عمل اور ادارے THE PROCESS AND INSTITUTIONS OF MARRIAGE REFORMS IN WESTERN COUNTRIES Section Urdu Literature


1۔ عظمیٰ شہزادی, 2۔ رفیق الرحمٰن, 3۔ محمد شبیر


The institution of marriage represents the foundation of human social order. But from the rapidly increasing divorce rate in Western countries, it can be inferred that this foundation itself is shaky in the West. Western countries have introduced many laws, programs and institutions to reduce this rate, which have clearly played an important role in reforming marriages. They are also not seeing significant effects because the rate of divorce is continuously increasing. At the government level, the United States introduced the Healthy Marriage Initiative in the early 21st century, benefiting from this experience, the United States and other Western countries can introduce more programs. Also, government-sponsored family arbitration, ADR and pre-divorce counseling are also developing in western countries.


How to Cite
1۔ عظمیٰ شہزادی, 2۔ رفیق الرحمٰن, 3۔ محمد شبیر. (2022). مغربی ممالک میں اصلاحِ زوجین کا عمل اور ادارے: THE PROCESS AND INSTITUTIONS OF MARRIAGE REFORMS IN WESTERN COUNTRIES. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(1), 221-228. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/552