الهَدي النبوي في نظافة البيئة وآثارها الصحِّية (دراسة تحليلية)
The Holy Prophet Peace be upon him directed the people to everything that is useful for their physical and mental health, and forbade them everything that is injurious to their health, destroy their bodies. Amongst of all these some directions related to environmental protection and cleanliness, because trashes and garbage’s in human location are hubs of germs and source of Verial diseases.
The Prophet urged us specially to keep the public gathering places neat and clean, just like our houses, mosques, streets and working pavements, He refrained strictly from urination in the cross roads and shadows of trees where the people take rest while travelling and working, he also recommended strictly to conserve water because it is the necessity of every living thing therefore, He prohibited from urination and passing stool in stagnant water, as well as entering the dirty hand before entering into the water. He also commanded to keep the water pots closed so that harmful insects could not enter into it.
In this research, I tried to shed light on the guidance of the Holy Prophet in the cleanliness of the environment, and its health effects.
The title of the research is: "Prophet's guidance in environmental cleanliness and its health effects” (An analytical study)