عصرِ حاضر کی اردوغزل میں کرب ِ ذات کا بیانیہ
In modern era of 21st century, Urdu poetry is influenced by internal and external environment and conditions of the world around us. Practiced throughout history, in every culture and on every continent, poetry speaks to our common humanity and our shared values, transforming the simplest of poems into a powerful catalyst for dialogue and peace. There are many other modern Urdu poets who not only talk about love or longing for a lover, but also their poetic deliverance appeared to be a critique of society, spirituality and an individual’s grief. Thus, it is not only joy that poets can communicate with their verses, but also sadness, despair, anguish, pain, doubt, hatred, love, compassion, desire, admiration, faith, veneration, and hope. They can also communicate all the feelings and emotions that, in general, can have a place in the soul of a human being.