
Zafar Iqbal Bhatti, Muhammad NadeemChohan, Zarmeena Khan, Anila Akbar


There is a remarkable binding between Islamic Studies and the Arabic language since the advent of Islam and development of the Classical language. From the time of Panini, special care had been taken regarding phonetics and phonology of respective religions especially Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, etc. The present paper provides a detailed perspective of dissoluble correlationbetweenlinguistics specially phonetics and religion. As Arabic is recognized the language of Islamwhich is distinguished from other prophetic languages around the globe.Some religious scholars render very remarkable place to Arabic language as the most sacred language in the history of human kind. The authors highlight the role of written tradition of the field of Islamic studies. They have also analyzed the significance of the text of the holy Quran in connection with perspective of Islamic civilization. The comprehension of the polyphony of the sacred text of the holy Quran, provides the concept of undividable concord of its form and content. The content of the holy Qur’an is the specialphenomenon which is a multidimensionalobject that ought to be contemplated from various perspectives.


How to Cite
Zafar Iqbal Bhatti, Muhammad NadeemChohan, Zarmeena Khan, Anila Akbar. (2021). The TOWARDS PRAGMATIC INTEGRATION OF LINGUISTICSWITH ISLAMIC STUDIES. Harf-O-Sukhan, 5(2), 27-35. Retrieved from