
Muhammad Sohail,Muhammad Bilal,Dr. Hafiz Atta ul Mustafa


“The Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the perfect exemplar, the prince of peace, the pride of the universe, whose life is immaculate and whose character is unimpeachable, came into the world as a mercy for all mankind. Yet, for centuries, the opponents of Islam have consistently ignored all that was patently good, noble and beneficent in his life, example and teachings. In Makkan life the Holy Prophet PBUH and his companions faced the opposition and persecution of Quraysh and in Madinan life He (PBUH) laid down the basic principles of an Islamic state. He (PBUH) established an Islamic society based on peace, brother-hood and interfaith harmony.  

In this discussion, it is focused to give an objective analysis of the fact that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was indeed a Messenger of Peace and Reconciliation. There is also an other misconception being observed in different areas of objective analyses that Islam was based on sword; in this discussion an analogy has been made on the basis of arguments to clarify this misconception.”


How to Cite
Muhammad Sohail,Muhammad Bilal,Dr. Hafiz Atta ul Mustafa. (2022). THE HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) AS AMBASSADOR OF PEACE. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(1), 299-303. Retrieved from