''بوستان خیال'' :ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ
DAASTAAN is considered the most ancient form of Urdu Fiction . It emerges from common public gathering and reaches its zenith within no time. It starts its spells from storytelling by folk lorest and common people, when they relate stories, the audience were stunned and rounded shackled in specific spell، TILISM-E-HOSH RUBA , DAASTAAN-E-AMEER-E-HAMZA and BOSTAAN-E-KHAYAAL are the longest tales of Urdu Fiction. BOSTAAN-E-KHAYAAL is written in Persian by Mir Taqi Khayal , and it has also been translated into many languages .In this regard translation of Khawaja Aman Dehelwi is considered the most authentic and well known version . His translation is published in Taxali language of Delhi . The current study is focusses on this translated version.