''خس و خاشاک زمانے'': کرداری مطالعہ


٭ڈاکٹر سجاد نعیم ٭٭شمائلہ رزاق ٭٭٭محمد اویس



The story and the characters are inseparable.In any fiction, the more the characters are made part of the story, the more the fiction achieves its ascension.The characters of the novel demand even more that whenever they are made a part of the story, they not only look like the characters but also play their role in the thematic expansion of the novel. Critics of the novel's characters also have the advantage that the closer they look to life, the greater the reader's engagement. Mustansir Hussain Tarar has the privilege of creating an atmosphere of story with his characters. His characters come as a real proof of life.Khas o Khashak Zamane / خس و خاشاک زمانے, there are many characters who were created by "Mustansar Hussain Tarar" with a sense of urgency. These characters reflect modernity and also relate to history.  "Mustansar Hussain Tarar" has highlighted the global situation and local issues through various characters. In this article, an attempt has been made to show the thematic diversity of the novel through the characters so that the multi-faceted themes of the novel come before us.


How to Cite
٭ڈاکٹر سجاد نعیم ٭٭شمائلہ رزاق ٭٭٭محمد اویس. (2021). ’’خس و خاشاک زمانے’’: کرداری مطالعہ. Harf-O-Sukhan, 5(3), 351-357. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/359