احادیث نبوی ﷺ سے ماخوذ حفظان صحت کے اصول اور وبائی امراض کا علاج ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ An Analytical Study of the Principles of Hygiene and the Treatment of Infectious Diseases Derived from the Ahadiths of the Prophet ﷺ Section Urdu Literature


Muhammad Sajid Mahboob
Dr.Shazia Ashiq
Madhya Khan


Helpful mediations manage sound living i.e., support of good wellbeing, managing conditions that requires uncommon consideration, for example, labor and recuperating i.e., treatment and fix of the affliction. Islam guides humankind to have extreme confidence on Allah Almighty's endorsement for sound living and mending just as gives rules to tidiness, smart dieting/drinking propensities and controlled physical and mental pressure. In this manner, comprehensive perspective on sound living and mending in Islam is established both on the confidence on the unity and the god-like authority of Allah just as physical, social, mental components. Uncovered sacred writings before Qur'an, gave equivalent accentuation on a similar confidence and variables. Simultaneously, various ways of thinking of remedial mediations manage the physical or the mystical methods for wellbeing and recuperating. This paper will examine the connections and holes between Islamic standards and practices for wellbeing and mending and comparable practices in other confidence and remedial mediations saw in (post)modern network.


How to Cite
Muhammad Sajid Mahboob, Dr.Shazia Ashiq, & Madhya Khan. (2021). احادیث نبوی ﷺ سے ماخوذ حفظان صحت کے اصول اور وبائی امراض کا علاج ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ: An Analytical Study of the Principles of Hygiene and the Treatment of Infectious Diseases Derived from the Ahadiths of the Prophet ﷺ. Harf-O-Sukhan, 5(3), 305-318. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/343