جدید غزل پر اشتہار بازی اور خبریت کے اثرات کا جائزہ Review of the effects of advertising and news on modern Ghazal Section Urdu Literature


*ڈاکٹر صائمہ نذیر **ابوبکر صدیق


Ghazal is a popular genre of Urdu poetry. Classical Ghazal had been criticized for its conventional subject matters and thus its narrow scope. Ghazal, not only held this criticism, but also succeeded to acquit it from it and made its way to conform to the new demands of the time. This helped widen the subjects and topics of Ghazal. However, this expansionism led it to advertisement and newsiness. Newsiness did give Ghazal variety of subjects and topics but it lost its air and impact we found it the conventional Ghazal. Our poets in their search of subject matter for their poems did not confine themselves to a limited topic, instead, they adored their poems with problem related to the whole globe.  Modern model poets express in their poems the problem of human society around the globe.


How to Cite
*ڈاکٹر ص. ن. **ابوبکر ص. (2022). جدید غزل پر اشتہار بازی اور خبریت کے اثرات کا جائزہ: Review of the effects of advertising and news on modern Ghazal. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(1), 139-147. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/320