The concept of individual differences is frequently discussed in social science disciplines like psychology and linguistics. In fact, individual Differences (IDs) form the basis of social sciences and make these disciplines distinct from natural sciences. In this quantitative study, the researchers try to explore existing literature on learners’ psychology. The theoretical and conceptual framework of the study combines insights from personality psychology, differential psychology and Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Pakistani language teachers connected with urban higher educationcenters like universities and colleges may have better understanding and knowledge of the role of individual differences in language education. How do language teachers teaching in rural areas or smaller cities of the Punjab perceive individual differences? To answer this question, the currentstudy which falls in the field of Applied Linguistics investigates perceptions of state-run school teachers of a small city in the Punjab about individual differences.The research was carried among English teachers of MianChanu. A questionnaire wasdesigned by the researcher and, after piloting phase, it was used to collect data from the teachers.Most of the teachers (more than 60%) in the state-run-schools of MianChanun are not only aware of the concept of individual differences but they also try to use this concept in their teaching practices.