۲۰ویں صدی میں شاعرانہ تغیرات اور اقبال POETIC CHANGES IN 20TH CENTURY AND IQBAL Section Urdu Literature
In the first half of twentieth century, poets like مولانا آزاد، حالی and other notable names got much appreciation in Urdu poetry and Ghazal writing. احسان دانش proved to be a beacon for the working class. جوش earned the title of revolutionary poet and a great poet. In free verse, تصدق حسین خالد, ن-م راشد, میراجی and مجید امجد took their footsteps in the court of fame and survival. فیض through his progressive approach consoled humanity, which was submerged in carnage. ناصر کاظمی traversed the unseenable Island of migration, dismay and remembrance. فراق and مجنوں tested new era’s standard and problems and problems according to social context. اصغر گونڈوی described Sufism as a hotbed of cultural life. حسرت was awarded the title of رئیس المتغزلین. The horoscope of the deteriorating social situation of the sub-continent with this slavish mentality which was drawn by the great man, Galander and made him shine in the worried was surely Iqbal. Iqbal holds a special place in Urdu literature as a mystic and critic of the past and the future. He is the poet of every age, every generation, every nation and every state in whom all the impressions of the past, present and future of every human being’s psychological desires and heartbeat are clearly heard. Iqbal’s gift is that he succeeded in creating a forceful change in the rotten outdated subjects of Urdu poetry and combined it with innovation and individuality.