ڈاکٹر اسرار احمد کے فکری و تحریکی ماخذ ، تحقیقی مطالعہ


٭ڈاکٹرحافظ عبدالخالق ٭٭عطیہ خالق ٭٭٭ڈاکٹر آصف جاوید


In the 19th century, the British, French, Dutch and Russians started gaining ground in different regions of the Islamic world ,which started to damage the central caliphate of the Muslims. This was the period when movements and efforts began to be made all over the world, including in the subcontinent, for revival the establishment of Islamic system. Overall, efforts for this purpose may not be the same because of the repression of circumstances or due to the differences of view, different  Muslim scholars adopted different strategies to achieve the mutual goal.Among the scholars who worked in the form of collective discipline for the establishment of Deen, the name of Dr. Israr Ahmad is also of great importance who formed a movement named 'Tanzeem-e-Islami' The purpose of it’s establishment was to establish the caliphate system in all the perspective of life. The question is where did Dr. Israr Ahmad borrow the ideology of Establishing the Deen? What are the scholars from whom Dr israr Ahmad was so  impressed that he had given up his field like medical and had finally lost all of  his abilities in this nobl cause? This is the basic question which is answered and explained in the following article


How to Cite
٭ڈاکٹرحافظ عبدالخالق ٭٭عطیہ خالق ٭٭٭ڈاکٹر آصف جاوید. (2022). ڈاکٹر اسرار احمد کے فکری و تحریکی ماخذ ، تحقیقی مطالعہ. Harf-O-Sukhan, 6(1), 1-13. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/260