General Zia ul Haq Legacy: Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO) March 24, 1981. An Analytical Study
The Provisional Constitutional Order popularly term as PCO is an Emergency and Extra Constitutional Order, in which wholly or partially suspends the Constitution of Pakistan. The PCO fulfills the legal vacuum and act as temporary constitution in abeyance or suspension. Mostly, the Martial Law Orders have been enforced in country on behalf of CMLA. Constitution is an essential element of democracy. The constitution is a set of principles for guided the state affairs; the representatives elected through the democratic process and possess right way to make amendments in the constitution and determining according to the mandate of public. The amendment in the constitution is sometimes indispensible under the prevailing circumstances, necessity and time. Such amendments were made with the guidance and principles of constitution and the procedure for the change has been clearly defined in the constitution. If the procedure would not adopt then amendment would be un- legitimized and deviation of the law. The elections held under the military umbrella were never admirable on international or national levels, but in country, the situation was quite contrary because whenever a dictator sensed the need of amendments in the constitution, he accomplished it without any hesitation.