قادری صوفیاءؒ کے ہاں تعلیم و تربیت کے اصول کاتحقیقی جائزہ
This article explains the principles of education and moral guidance according to Qadiri Sufis. It discusses the meaning of principles, the importance of principles in education and training, the difference between the education of Sufi saints and that of external scholars, and the educational and moral guidance principles of Qadiri Sufi saints. Specifically, it highlights the five principles of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and the additional six principles derived from the teachings of other Qadiri Sufi saints. Explaining these principles is necessary because Allah’s creation is based on principles. If the natural world were to deviate from these principles, everything would be destroyed. Similarly, in the matter of education and moral guidance, certain principles and rules have been established. Without principles, society would decline. Education and moral guidance experts have emphasized the importance of following principles to make educational and moral guidance efforts effective. In reality, their seriousness in this matter is based on a deep understanding of the facts and a sense of responsibility for the future. Many institutions that were established without principles and rules have become obsolete. On the other hand, institutions that were established with clear principles and rules have continued to grow and thrive. Similarly, the Qadiri Sufi saints’ adherence to principles in education and training has contributed to the enduring success and reputation of their order and institutions. The article concludes that the Qadiri Sufi saints’ emphasis on principles has ensured the long-term success and reputation of their institutions. By following these principles, their institution. By following these principles, their institutions have continued to grow and thrive, and their order has maintained its reputation and influence.

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