تفسیرِقرآن میں تابعینؒ کی تعبیر و تشریح کا اختلاف:ایک جائزہ
Interpretation of the Holy Qur'an is a vast area that includes the explanation of the verses of the Qur'an by different scholars at different times. After the death of Holy Prophet SAWW, Sahaba R.A. continued interpreting the Quranic verses in the light of Prophet SAWW’s teachings. Later, Tabi’een continued the legacy. Tabi'een are those individuals who received knowledge directly from the Sahaba and carried forward the interpretations of the Qur'an and Sunnah. The period of the Tabi'een is of special importance in that they helped to better understand the meanings of the Qur'an in the light of the traditions of the Companions and their interpretation. Notable commentators from the Tabi'in era include Mujahid, Ata' ibn Abi Rabah, Ikrimah, Sa'id ibn Jubayr, Hasan al-Basri, Abu Aliyah, Masruq, Qatadah, and others. The tafsirs of the Tabi'in hold greater significance compared to those of later commentators because they are part of the "best of generations" (khayr al-quroon). It is also a fact that the Tabi'in had a much deeper knowledge of the Arabic language and its linguistic styles compared to those who came after them. However, differences of interpretation arose between them which became an important part of Islamic intellectual heritage also. In order to understand the reasons for the differences among Tafseers, we need to examine their scholarly background, principles, and methods. The first reason is the difference in their education and training. Some followers acquired knowledge of the Qur'an directly from the Companions, while others received education from various scholars and Islamic institutes. Tafsirs of subjects of different educational backgrounds became a major cause of differences. Another reason is geographical conditions. The Tabieen lived in different areas, such as Makkah, Madinah, Kufa, and Basra. Each region had its own special traditions and cultures, which influenced the exegetical thinking of the followers. For example, the followers of Makkah mostly relied on the tafsir of Abdullah bin Abbas, while those in Kufa relied on the tafsir of Abdullah bin Masud. The third reason is the difference in oral traditions. The Tabieen received the interpretation of the Qur'an in the form of tradition from the Companions, due to which some traditions differed. This difference was based on different interpretations of oral traditions which later caused differences among the Tabi'een. The fourth reason is the importance of Ijtihad. The Tabi'een used their own ijtihadat to interpret the Qur'an and included their own thinking and principles. Their ijtihad sometimes differed, leading to differences in interpretation happened. The article also suggests that during reading tafseer of tabi’in, we should keep in mind the differenes of their interptretation, differene in their education, their wisdom, their geogtraphical scenario, their languages and the culture they were following. Also the political background matters.

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