اسلام کے خاندانی نظام میں مرد کی سربراہی کے دلائل اور اس کا فلسفہ


Syed Hamid Ali Shah, Dr. Jawwad Haider Hashmi


The leadership of a household is an extremely important responsibility. Just as a country cannot function without a ruler, similarly, the system of a home cannot operate without a leader. Islam has designated men as the head and ruler of the household. This sometimes raises the suspicion that Islam does not hold women in esteem or honor; thus, the responsibility of leadership and guardianship has been entrusted to men. Muslim women may begin to wonder on what basis and with what justification men have become the rulers of the household. In this context, it is essential to elucidate the reasons for men's authority as heads of the family and the wisdom and philosophy behind this leadership in the light of the Qur'an and Hadith. It should be made clear that if men are given leadership roles in Islam, it is not due to the inferior status of women or the superiority of men, but rather based on the physical and spiritual differences between men and women. Therefore, in light of this necessity, it has been attempted in this article  to present the arguments and philosophical reasoning regarding male leadership as outlined in the Qur'an and hadith. a descriptive and analytical approach has been adopted to describe  these arguments and philosophies.


How to Cite
Syed Hamid Ali Shah, Dr. Jawwad Haider Hashmi. (2024). اسلام کے خاندانی نظام میں مرد کی سربراہی کے دلائل اور اس کا فلسفہ. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(3), 256-268. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1832