اسلام میں اخلاقی تعلیمات کا جائزہ
Among the virtues of Islam and its highest virtues, social, economic and social manners have the first priority. Compared to other religions, the religion of Islam has secured the rights of all the big and small while organizing the individual and collective good so that every human being can Sanctity, sanctity and personality and respect remained. If a person does not learn good manners it means that he has denied the order of Allah, Good manners, truth, honesty, purity and positive code of conduct, all these qualities elevate the morals and character of a person, but at the same time, human beings also have low tendencies, which are called bad morals. The birth of things like hatred, anger, arrogance, Such type of people are called an animals in the light of Quranic verses. It is necessary to correct them, otherwise a person will not be able to get pleasure of Allah Almighty. On the contrary, if a person makes tolerance, humility and the motto, then there will be self-civility. Man will become the beloved of Allah.The people of Allah will also love him. Similarly, along with individual improvement, a better society will come into existence that will live according to the principles of Sharia.

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