سندھی زبان کے لسانیاتی نظریات کا تحقیق مطالعہ The Research Study of Linguistics Theories in Sindhi Language Section sindhi (سند ھی)


ڈاکٹر حاکم علی برڑو


The Indus valley is the most ancient civilization in the world. This valley flourish by Indus river. The excavation of Mohenjo-Daro belongs to Sindh and the civilization of Harappa in Punjab, leads river Ravi reveals the high level of organised living styles of these two civilizations. Sindhi language is derived from Indo Aryan linguistic group which is too close to Arabic and Persian script. This research paper reveals the different theories of different scholars in Sindhi language.


How to Cite
ڈاکٹر حاکم علی برڑو. (2024). سندھی زبان کے لسانیاتی نظریات کا تحقیق مطالعہ: The Research Study of Linguistics Theories in Sindhi Language. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(3), 1-6. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1730