اُردوکی ترویج واشاعت میں علما ومدارس کا کردار


زرینہ عبداللہ, ڈاکٹر محمد ہارون قادر


In the early third decade of the 20th century and the period after that, the dominant class of Urdu writers and poets was the product of religious madrasas, and the leadership and dominance of literature were in the hands of this class. It went into the hands of the likes. It was a sign of moral failure that the youth influenced by communism tried to exclude from the realm of literature any literature in which religion was mixed or morality was involved. Religious poets and writers were given the names of millas and sermons on the basis of prejudice; novels and fictions written on sexual themes were considered original literature. In these conditions, literature was divided into two parts; morals and manners became anathema to abiologists; however, the number of readers of healthy literature did not decrease. Until a time, the literary writings and works of scholars were considered masterpieces of literature.


How to Cite
زرینہ عبداللہ, ڈاکٹر محمد ہارون قادر. (2024). اُردوکی ترویج واشاعت میں علما ومدارس کا کردار. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(3), 220-225. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1702